Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blue Christmas- Post #1

I am still trying for Dec. 6th for this video!

Over the past few days I have been trying to do as much as possible with the supplies I have left over from other videos. Of course I had the model magic, so I made the little girl and Santa's body of the white clay. I let them dry for a few days but in the mean time I did some other work. In the video there are 4 pictures that the little girl sends to Santa. I used crayons and white paper to draw the pictures. When I did my "rough shopping" in the beginning of November, I bought some supplies for this video. (For those who didn't read the previous posts, my "rough shopping" was when I went to JoAnn's to buy a few things for each video I knew I needed without really researching the video.) So I got a desk and painted it turquoise. In Santa's parts, he stands in front of his castle in the North Pole. So I found some gray paper and made part of the castle with big brown doors.

I only made Santa's body out of clay because I already have his wooden head from 2009's videos. I started making the little girl. I painted her head and hands flesh colored and covered her body with shiny red fabric and that made a dress! Then I painted on her facial features with a toothpick and sharpies. In my bad of string, I found some light yellow (blonde) string and glued it on her head as hair. I started with a big glob of hot glue and then I stuck all the hair on really quickly before it dried. Then I painted a thin layer of Elmer's glue on top. The hot glue is not clear, and looks like a mess, so I make sure it can't be seen. But Elmer's dries clear, but it takes a long time to dry. Then I made a bow out of ribbon I found and glued on top of her head. I made her arms out of wire and wrapped them in the red fabric. Then I put her body all together. Then i used some of my mom's blush to give her rosy cheeks. All I need for her was some kind of doily fabric for the collar of her dress and end of sleeves.

Finally, the night of Dec. 4th, we went shopping! I got the light blue paper for the background, the girls doily fabric, salmon color fabric for Santa, Red fabric, and a few other things for the next videos. That's where I am now! More will come tomorrow and the video will be out Monday which is St. Nicks Day, for all who celebrate that! (I do!)

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